OK, so here's the story. While I was joining "Bloggers.com" (curtsy of Mimi), it didn't appear to like the title "Be", because of it's shortness. So I decided to just use my gaming name, like I do with practically everything else, because unlike Blogger, my nickname is too cool for other sites.
Anywho. I decided that if I'm going to have that title for myself for ever other single networking/gaming/whatever site, then I should just change it here.

The only reason I did not want to before was because I know it will confuse some people. But I think I left a message warning you of the name change in your comments (Oopsy Daisy's if I didn't). And I do know that it will confuse some people.

But I say "whatever" to that. Gaming names are about to take over one day or rather...

Lady Nansei

^^ Hmm, feels weird signing off like that...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

T-Shirt Days

Happy New Year’s everybody! I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I blame the library because it was shut all week due to Christmas and New Years (yes, I get my internet from the library), which sucked because I had an urge to re-read Tsubasa (aka awesome manga).

I had said that I was going to post some pictures of the skirt/boxer-shorts I made in Textiles, I was just too lazy and couldn’t be bothered going outside to do so but I finally managed to tear myself away from my bed/books and got some snappy snappies.

The skirt actually looked pretty good with the top I was wearing and although I’m a jeans and a t-shirt girl I decided to wear the skirt when I went out to dinner with my family a few nights ago (not high-waisted though, I would rather stab myself in the eye [not seriously, though, I like my eyes, I would rather stab someone else in the eye])

So what are you guys doing/have done in the holidays? I’m going to Queensland (top of Australia) next week, I think, I don't actually know when I’m going, I usually just wait until people say ‘excited about leaving tomorrow?’ ‘Queensland tomorrow’, ‘what bag are you going to bring’ or ‘you should probably pack your bag now because we’re leaving tomorrow’.
Also I need to say Merry Christmas (why is it sometimes written as ‘xmas’ I bet the person who invented the term did it just because they couldn’t fit ‘Christmas’ onto a card they were making).

Well, that is all from me. And had you noticed that I didn’t write ‘anyway’ like I always do in EVERY. SINGLE. POST. I also realised that I should make a ‘sims’ label because I mention it in ESP.

Happy New Year’s (Eve-because it’s so much better than New Year’s Day)



Ah, I can't believe it's already New Years Day for you! I actually can't even believe it's New Year's Eve! This year went by SO QUICKLY.

And I love this look. It's so BAM AWESOME. I feel like it would look amazzzzing in a room with black lights!

Happy New Year!

Dani said...

I like the shirt. It's kinda...quirky....

I say "well" and "so" too much. It's an epidemic.

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

the shorts are super fun! love your shirt too...

btw, my sister spent her new year in queensland...her first time. i wish i was with her.

♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

Dani said...

PS Threw you a mention on myblog today dear, come check it out!

Jane said...

My skirts better actually there both the same but meh but i wear mine high waisted with a belt!