OK, so here's the story. While I was joining "Bloggers.com" (curtsy of Mimi), it didn't appear to like the title "Be", because of it's shortness. So I decided to just use my gaming name, like I do with practically everything else, because unlike Blogger, my nickname is too cool for other sites.
Anywho. I decided that if I'm going to have that title for myself for ever other single networking/gaming/whatever site, then I should just change it here.

The only reason I did not want to before was because I know it will confuse some people. But I think I left a message warning you of the name change in your comments (Oopsy Daisy's if I didn't). And I do know that it will confuse some people.

But I say "whatever" to that. Gaming names are about to take over one day or rather...

Lady Nansei

^^ Hmm, feels weird signing off like that...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

.B A C K T O T H E S T A R T.

Dear readers, this might be the last time I talk to you because, sadly I don't think I'll make it through the next week. You see because tomorrow. . . School Starts!! *sob*

Obviously the above is a joke, it would take waaaaaaaaay more than stupid, old school to get in the way of my blogging fanatics. But sadly half of the above is true because school does start tomorrow for South Hemispherers (well, for some it started last week or next week but that's irrelevant), ahh stupid keyboard! I hate this keyboard because it keeps missing keys, and it's noisy. Stupid keyboard *shakes fist*.
But luckily enough I got my Science homework finished just a few minute ago (Yay for me!) and now I am rewarding myself with Facebook, Blogger and Sims time while my family is out working (I get a day of Yay for me!).

Sadly it is still raining. Though it wasn't raining yesterday so I HAD to go to the beach markets (that's my job), but my sis and mum still have to go to the Sunday Markets because it's under cover. Arg, too lazy to go get the washing.

So, I'm always trying to post a least one photo per Be Post, but I have none to put on because I'm too lazy to go outside. But I'm sure I can fish up some random photo to past here somewhere. . . *goes looks*

There, isn't it just the cutest little creature ever??!!

Well, I'm going to play Sims. Cheerio my dear readers, and lets all pray I don't get school-disease, heard it's very fatal.



M!@ said...

Hope you have fun on your first day back to school & I like your ghost

Hannahbelle :D said...

What do you have first period tomorrow? I dont think it can be as bad as Geography:P

Amanda said...

Thanks for following, I was also wondering if you'd like to exchange links with me, I see you dont have a blog roll but I will like to put you on mine!

Jane said...

We hav science homework???

SC said...

awwe that is shooo cute. is it a.. glass ghost?? or..?? :3

have fun @ school...
don't spend too much time on the comp tho!!! (wow i'm such a hypocrite hahaha... i spend most of my day on the comp = = esp facebook...)


Enter my giveaway!

Arini Desianti Parawi said...

have fun with ur first day in school!!
ahaha..and what kind of creature is that??


in Love&Light


Haha - I totally reward my "excellent" work habits with computer time (though they often coincide. Hence, it is not so excellent.)

And that creature is far too cute! Just like your layout! Very spring like! I love spring.


Abby said...

that ghosty is surely cute.
it reminds me of the ghosts you would get in lego
remember the lego ghosts
that glowed in the dark.
wow lego ghosts were cool!
